Warm tights will keep your legs all wrapped up in soft and snuggly natural fibres. Wool tights offer unbeatable warmth in cold weather but also keep your legs cool in summer. Our huge selection includes plain fine knit or chunky, funky cable or ribbed, lambs wool, merino wool and luxury cashmere in ever popular colours of black, brown, navy, grey, cream and many more.
Merino wool tights keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer purely due to them being made of a natural fibre. Wool tights allow your legs to breath and will give your feet a fresh feel. Wool tights are the perfect addition to your wardrobe as they can look sensational with both dresses and skirts. Wear with knee-length boots in the winter for cosiness and with ballet flats or heels in the summer for perfect coverage. They are also worn under trousers by both men and women of all ages and are commonly worn under sportswear, giving athletes an insulating layer that draws moisture away from the skin. Men working on building sites in cold winter months also often wear them for this reason.
Warm Tights In Winter
Wool and hair is grown naturally by mammals to regulate their body temperatures. It seems natural therefore that wool produces some of the finest fabric with the best insulation properties. When wool tights are worn in bad weather they can be a wonderful buffer against wind, rain and snow. The scientific reasons for these miraculous' properties are that, in cold temperatures, wool removes (wicks) moisture from the skin whilst at the same time its insulating qualities trap dry air and warmth.
Cool In Summer
In warm temperatures, wool's breathable qualities draw in air removing excess heat and moisture from the body, helping the wearer stay cool. Merino wool particularly is naturally water-resistant and expels moisture vapour through its fibres naturally, keeping bacteria and bad odours at bay.
All Year Round
Wool tights are very hard wearing and if taken care of, should last longer than man-made ones. The most comfortable wool tights to wear against your skin are made from high-quality fibres such as merino wool or cashmere. Blending wool with silk produces the most luxurious and expensive tights, whilst blending it with cotton makes them softer but cheaper. Wool tights come in all kinds of colours and patterns so you can expect to see them in fashion magazines and on catwalks worldwide.
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