Opaque stockings are a great option for those that need to fill a very specific niche. Namely, if you want something that is thick and cosy and offers great coverage of your legs and also simultaneously does not cover anything above your thigh, then you will need opaque stockings. They are perfect for anyone that wants something warm in winter and yet also don't like the full fit of tights, and want something with far less coverage. And of course, there is no classic look like stockings for those that want a vintage.
Opaque stockings are the thicker and more winter ready versions of one of the most popular items of leg wear ever, or even clothing for that matter. Stockings are beautiful, sexy and flattering, but many people hear the word and think of sheer stockings. Sheers are not the only kind of stockings out there and there are plenty of items you can find in a higher denier that have some unique and amazing aspects.
Opaque winter-ready stockings are perfect for those who love colour and different hues in their outfit. The thicker the material, the more vibrant the colour of the items are. Opaques are ideal for people who want to enjoy the darker side of the colour palette and introduce some rich cardinal reds and imperial purples into their outfits. Or perhaps some royal blues or jade greens for those who like the cooler end of the colour spectrum. This can completely transform the outfits you wear by bringing a warmth and an unrivalled richness to them, or a strong and undeniable coolness if you go for the softer and cooler end of the palette.
But aren't opaque stockings less attractive than sheers? Isn't sheer material so much more flattering whilst the thick, woolly materials less shapely? Not necessarily. It all depends on the skill and quality of the designers and how they approach the making of their items. Opaque refers to about 40 denier or higher, and at 40 denier, you will get something that feels like sheers and still highlights the shape of your legs, but the colour will be so much more impactful and won't change as the material stretches over your legs.
Thicker tights offer more colour still, but you needn't compromise with the overly woolly qualities of certain materials either. Certain materials can be made to look much finer than they would normally be. Wool for example is not always the fluffy cloud like material we all know for its use in jumpers and it can be as fine as a heavy weave cotton when you have a skilled designer at the helm. Some designers have come to realise that people want opaque stockings and don't want cumbersome materials that feel like a wool jumper on your legs. Designers like Gerbe make opaque stockings that go up to 70 denier, but they are knit very specifically to look like their 20 denier items, except for the dark and rich colour of the material. Levante go up to an even higher denier, up to an impressive 100 denier actually, but the method of knit makes them look and feel like a much finer product, even though they are made of fantastic and usually thick Italian wool.
Doing this combines the snug and warm fit of opaque stockings, the deep colours and yet it keeps the always attractive aspect of sheer stockings, which is their figure enhancing and curve revealing attributes. If you simply want to highlight the tan of your legs, sheer stockings might be all you need, but if you want comfort, warmth, a great fit, softer materials, rich colours and a more striking outfit all together, you should take a look at finding a great pair of opaques from our range of items.
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