Opaque hold ups are a really popular category of leg wear. These wonderful designs are some of the most versatile too and make a change to
our opaque tights. They are perfect for a winter fashion outfit, where opaque hold ups can provide a splash of colour, or a gorgeous pattern, or something to liven up your autumn wardrobe perhaps. But if you want that warmth in your legs but not something that covers you above the thigh, then forego the tights and go for some opaque hold ups instead.
Opaque hold ups might seem like a combination you never would have expected to find. Usually when most people think of hold ups they think of sexy sheer legwear with ornate lace tops. And that is a pretty accurate description for the most part. And when you say opaque or describe a thick and cosy item to keep you warm, most imagine woolly knitted legwarmers. Opaque hold ups however are a niche category, but a growing one, and one that does indeed combine the warmth of opaques and the feminine grace of stay ups. The starting collections we have to offer are smaller, but with the world's most creative designers surrounding us, we've still managed to find a huge range of variety in the world of hosiery. Opaque hold ups, for instance, are becoming one of the most popular kinds of legwear around. We have a massive range of opaque tights, if hold ups aren't your thing of course. But here you will get the exact same warmth but also the benefit of hold ups if you hate being stifled by full length tights. The exciting lace designs and the freedom of hold ups with all the luxury of high quality soft materials. Opaque hold ups are the best way to combine comfort, warmth and your preferred kind of legwear, all in one package.
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