Eve's Bra is a wonderfully innovative brand, with a very unique new feature and appeal. The great thing about Eve's Bra is that they are the most low profile and invisible bra in the world. All of Eve's Bra designs are wingless bras, as well ans strapless bras, and are also claspless bras. They simply stick to your skin with unique and innovative silicone pads, and then support your figure without revealing any straps.
Eve's Bra is one of those brands that comes around once every few decades, with an item that is beyond inventive and truly revolutionary. So, what is their contribution to the world of lingerie that we are so impressed with? Eve's Bra is all about the creation of an entirely strapless, wingless and backless bra. That means just the cups and nothing else. That's right, they are trying to go time travelling and bring us a bra from the future! But despite the fact that it is pretty difficult to imagine such a design working, it seems that this company has managed to make one successfully. And more than one actually.
They have a whole range of items that fit this description, and have dedicated the company's resources to making this specific kind of item. These butterfly shaped bras are an absolute delight to wear and are also pretty impressive to behold. With just two shaped cups and a connecting middle gore, these items are able to hold up your bust as well as most other shoulder strap bras. As for wearing them, they are as comfortable as can be, with no straps digging into your shoulders or oppressive rib crushing steps on the sides of the bra. They leave your back and your shoulders free from any kind of coverage, making them perfect for any woman who puts that easy and free feeling of comfy clothing high on her priorities. Eve and the team do an amazing job of preserving most everything you could want from a bra in their new invention. It is comfy, fits well, has a good range of sizes, is low profile, and looks elegant.
You might never have imagined such attributes from a bra as low profile as this, but Eve's Bra does it all. Their items are to the bra what the little black dress is to formal wear. The LBD strips away all that is unnecessary, like the dazzling colours, the dramatic motifs and the materials that might not age well in photos. It then gives you a truly beautiful, simple and elegant garment that seems to always work, no matter the occasion or the accompanying clothing. Eve's Bra does the same, with nothing to go out of style and nothing to make this bra more complicated than it needs to be, there is nothing about it that might make the bra go out of style. This simple and elegant piece of clothing design will always be in style, always be welcome in your wardrobe, and with the quality of the Eve's Bra designs, it'll always be a constant companion.
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