Couture is a brand of tights that are known for their build quality. They make both essentials and fashion items, but all of them are based around high quality and comfy materials. They are surely some of the best quality tights around, and their Couture Ultimate range might just be the strongest ladder resist tights we have ever tried. They really are some of the most impressive items and even if you manage to ladder a pair, they will absolutely never run any further.
Couture is a legwear manufacturer that has been making beautiful tights for nearly two decades, with an essential range this is one of the best quality we have worn before. So what is the Couture Tights range all about? What does it do right and how amazing is it? Let's have a look at what they are best at.
What Are Couture Tights All About?
They are a designer of primarily everyday tights that are super high quality, and tend to make far more of these than fashion tights. They are like many smaller companies that concentrate on a core range that improves each season. But that is not to day that they do not have a fashion range also. They are responsible for other fashion items too, which we will get to shortly. Their tights are made with elegance and classic appeal in mind. They love glossy fabrics and use them to make some of the most head turning piece of legwear you have ever seen by glossiness and sheen alone. This type of legwear is among the most feminine we can recommend. It is absolutely ideal for a night out or a date. The great thing about glossy tights is they do not have to be patterned or over designed to grab a person's attention. But whilst being head turning, they are even more versatile. They are so great at flexibility that they are also perfect if you are going to a meeting and want to look professional but feminine too. Their latest range of support tights is a much more technical product than what they have done before. This helps to keep your legs feeling fresh and revitalized when you are on your feet all day. It also supports your back and your tummy to improve your posture, an important thing for you to do to make sure you keep strong and healthy later on in life. Tired legs are a thing of the past with Couture and their wonderful range of support tights. But what else does Couture make besides everyday tights, support tights and glossy tights? Well there's their fashion tights too.
What Fashion Tights Do Couture Make?
Fashion tights are one of their smaller ranges, but it is a wonderful and exciting part of their collection nonetheless. They make a handful of wonderful designs per year, and have recently made a range of items in conjunction with Silky that are some of the best fashion tights we have ever seen. They are the Couture Ultimates, and they are quite special. These tights are knitted in a certain way that means they are the most ladder resistant legwear in the world. If you do manage to tear these tights, although it is likely you won't, then you will not go any further. The linked stitching makes it amazingly resistant to further ladders and stops any rips in their tracks.
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