Gio stockings are one of the most impressive and amazing ranges of leg wear in the world of stockings. This brand tries to recreate the ideal and realistic look of vintage stockings from the 1920s and 1930s. They perfectly recreate and maintain these wonderful items of leg wear and Gio stockings really do make their vintage stockings in the most authentic way possible.
Gio Stockings are some of the most wonderful classically made and traditional stockings in the world of legwear. In fact they might just be the greatest items of legwear to be made in an authentic manner we have ever seen. So what is the story behind Gio? What do we mean when we say traditional stockings? Let's take a look at their range and find out.
What's So Great About Gio Stockings?
Gio makes stockings, all of which are backseam stockings, in a traditional way. They use the same machinery that was used in the 1920s and similar time periods. These machines are rather slow to make a pair of stockings, yet they make them with a much higher degree of accuracy and are free from faults. All Gio Stockings are hand finished, meaning they manually sew the toe section and foot onto their backseamed stockings. This makes the process even more slow paced, but a hand finished toe ensures a very good fit and no a strong finish, as this is the weakest part of any hosiery item. But Gio insists that the added time and the added cost of employing seamstresses and making sure they have as much hands on contact as possible is not at all negotiable. We happen to agree with them. We are so happy to see a designer trying to keep alive these traditions and these great age old ways of making things. They are one of the best names in the business for keeping these traditions going and we love them for it. And what's more, people love their items. They make some of the highest quality back seamed stockings around and they sell like hot cakes. Fans simply cannot get enough, so they are a shining example of how making things abroad with more inexpensive materials isn't the only way to do things. That's right, they are also made entirely here in the UK, one of the few brands left that makes 100% of their items here.
Why Should I Try Gio Stockings From UK Tights?
If you want authenticity, if you want quality and if you want to support a century or more old trade, then that's enough to choose Gio. You will be supporting perhaps the last place in the UK that makes back seat stockings entirely the way they used to make them 100 years ago or more. They employ local skilled craftsmen to make their garments and the result is some of the best quality and strongest made stockings we have ever worn. If you want to make a difference in an industry that has always been full of great skill and passion, but has become more and more automated than ever before. And of course, their designs are great looking too! They have some f the most wonderful pinup inspired items of legwear we have ever seen and they are each a delight to wear, so check out the Gio Stockings range now, here at UK Tights.
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