Seamed stockings are the ultimate in vintage elegant looks. As soon as you put a pair of these seamed stockings on you are transported back to the elegant 40's and 50's. If you aren't happy with having to wear a
suspender belt, why not try our
seamed tights section, these will give you the look, but maybe not the vintage feeling.
Seamed stockings are truly the most classic and beloved type of legwear on the planet. The beautiful and timeless garment called stockings was the very first type of legwear, and the very first stockings were unable to be made without a backseam. This is because one had to knit a sheet of material flat, then wrap it around a dummy and sew the two ends together to make a pair of stockings. The result was a perfectly fitted and shaped stocking with a seam down the back slightly darker than the rest. Luckily, the first designers decided that making them a backseam would be the best option rather than hiding the seam inside the leg or some such. This meant that the sexy, feminine and leg lengthening qualities of the classic seamed stockings became the wonderful fashion piece we know and love today. There are few things that sell quicker than a beautiful pair of seamed stockings, and they have a classic appeal like little else we can possibly name. Backseam stockings are not just the vintage item you are thinking of though. There are other variations on the theme, with contract seamed stockings being the most popular. These are seam stockings with a coloured seam down the back. There are so many ways to make great use of these amazing items and incorporate them into your outfit beautifully.
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