You can't go wrong with a pair of black stockings. Our huge range includes every style of black stockings you can think of from sheer, barely black to matt black opaque, back-seams in black and contrasting colours, black lace topped to corset top, cheap or luxury, everyday to special occasion, fishnets to fashion. With over over 100 styles to choose from, you are bound to find your next pair of black stockings right here.
Bearing a bit of skin is a great way to garner the attention of your romantic interest or a few, would-be suitors. There are times, however, when stepping out with bare legs isn't viewed as appropriate. For instance, you might be attending a formal event that has a strict dress code. On other occasions, covering your legs can actually increase the overall appeal of your look. No matter what your fashion needs or goals may be, it is important to know how to shop for black stockings.
The level of elasticity that black stockings boast is always a key point of concern. Excessive amounts of elasticity is usually associated with low quality products. Although these stockings might look good going on, they tend to nap up and are extremely prone to developing large runs or holes in the stockings. They won't last long and some may not last the entire night.
Black Stockings With 100% Nylon
Products that have too little elasticity, however, are likely to bag or sag at the knees and other areas there could be an issues with fully fashioned stockings as these are normally 100% Nylon and handmade (no stretch). Each time that you bend or move the leg, the material will become increasingly stretched out the results are an ill-fitting look, irrespective of high in quality the black stockings initially were. While these won't run, rip or tear easily, they will lose a lot of their aesthetic appeal after a fairly nominal amount of use and activity.
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