This is the Hosiery Archive, our collection of items from past seasons and collections. This is the hall of fame for all our greatest items of leg wear and you can find all our historic fashion tights right here. If you want to find an amazing range of vintage stockings, fashion tights, and lace top hold ups for inspiration, then the hosiery archive is the place to find them.
Here at UK Tights, a great deal of our hosiery designs are fashion tights or fashion hold ups or soem other kind of style orientated item. Each of our brands will release a range of fashion tights and other leg wear for just one season. This keeps the products extra special and helps keep fashion creative with fresh new legwear and hosiery designs. Here, you'll find all our most loved fashion tights, hold ups and stockings that are no longer sold by us. Here you can find ideas for outfits, get inspired by some great photography or just go to see how fashion trends are changing each day. If you see any hosiery here, and you'd like to know if we've got anything similar in stock, just call us on 01625 460 180 and we'll try and help you with your questions. Our customer service staff are trained to find anything you might need and we have a range that includes nearly anything you can imagine.
We used to send our sold out products to so you will find some really old products there.
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