Having a good range is important. There's nothing worse than being left with a smaller selection than you'd like. But in the world of tights and stockings, it's not too hard to find a huge selections and pick exactly the kind of tights you're looking for.

UK Tights has a huge line up of sheer and opaque tights to vintage seamed stockings for you to choose from and all of them are made to the highest standards, so you'll definitely find something that'll last too.
So what kind of leg wear is out there? Most people just think of simple opaque or sheer tights when you say tights, but that's not the case. There is such a wide variety of leg wear for you to try, sometimes it's hard to believe just how much is out there.
Take children's tights for example. Most of the children's tights you'll find out there are just for school uniforms, but what happens when it comes round to Halloween and you need something that makes your little one look like a witch or a buzzy bee? Striped designs are great for both of these, but they can be hard to find. Children's tights are one of those areas that UK Tights makes sure it concentrates on, because so few other people will. But it's not all for occasions and events. Designers are creating more and more products that are more suited for everyday wear too. Little ones love to be creative with anything they can lay their hands on, so a pair of beautiful and funky children's tights is a great way let them be creative with their outfits too.

And what about the classics? Stockings are not the first think that jump to mind when you think about leg wear, but they really should do. They have always been the most popular and classic kind of hosiery. Stockings were the first modern garment to be designed specifically for a woman's legs. Designer stockings are becoming more and more of a rarity, however. This is a real shame, as they are so beautiful and feminine that they certainly should. Designer stockings evoke the "flapper” girl image, the first time women were really liberated in the West and started to determine their own style and sensibilities.

Tights, stockings and other kinds of leg wear don't always get the attention they deserve, but as you can see, they are versatile and full to the brim with history and meaning. Tights, stockings and anything else that you like to wear that can be used for style and expression is easy to find and easy to combine with the rest of an outfit. There are plenty of designs and styles to choose from and so many of them can be found at UK Tights, just a click away.