Aristoc Ultra Bare is one of the best ultra sheer tights ranges we have ever seen. It takes inspiration from the Ultra Sheer range, Aristoc's most popular items. These items were all sheer but at a higher denier than the range you see here. But they were subtle, lustrous and beautiful too. The Aristoc Ultra Bare tights and hold ups build on that beautiful range.

What denier or thickness are the Ultra bare tights?

These are half the thickness and weight though, at only 7 denier. They are among the most sheer tights and sheer hold ups we've ever seen. They are almost invisible, adding a healthy glow and some rich colour. But it still remains invisible no matter what, so it looks as natural as can be. Many women worry about ultra sheer hosiery. They imagine they are too fragile and too light to last.

What are the Ultra Bare tights made of?

But Aristoc made these tights from Sideria, one of the world's most robust and strong fabrics. It is the best item for garments that are almost invisible but that need to be strong. When you are one your feet all afternoon, whether it's at work or dancing at the weekend. Either way these tights are as strong as something twice their thickness.