• Lingadore-Precious-Love-Chemise

    Top 3 Chemise You Need To Know About

    The chemise is an absolute staple of lingerie ranges and one of the most enduring items of lingerie out there. It is one of the sexiest and most feminine items around, as we all know, but it…

  • Commando Perfect Control Velvet Leggings

    Legwear For Lockdown – Part 1

    Things here in the UK seem to be easing a little, but beware, we are not all going back to work straight away. For those of you that are remaining indoors, here is something you might be…

  • Tiffany Quinn Hosiery Gloves

    How To Not Snag Tights

    Can there be anything more annoying than buying a beautiful, new pair of tights for that long-awaited evening out with that oh so important person in your life and then you go and do the ultimate no-no?…

  • Tips

    Top Tips – Wearing Leggings

    It might seem obvious to some people that wearing leggings is the easiest thing in the world but wait, that’s not always the case. Depending on which leggings you’re wearing and where you are going to wear…

  • Jonathan Aston Sheer Coloured Tights
    Fashion,  Tips

    The Best Coloured Tights For This Summer

    We’ve been looking at some of our most favourite coloured tight to be worn this summer, and we’ve come up with a small selection. It’s our top three products, and we think you’ll love them. Trasparenze Durian…