Leggings, A Complete History And Guide On How To Wear Them
Leggings are one of the most important and popular types of leg wear in the world. They are almost as popular and ubiquitous as tights. So many women refuse to wear tights and go for leggings instead. That is for a number of reasons, and we are going to visit all of them. So, what type of leggings are there? What reasons are there to pick them over over types of leg wear? What is so great about leggings exactly? Let’s find out.
The History Of Leggings
To know the history of leggings, lets looks at some clothing history from a little bit before. You cannot have leggings without some of the materials that go into them. What material is necessary for leggings exactly? Well, Spandex, of course. Spandex first arrived with us in 1958, invented by Joseph Shivers. Shivers was a chemist working for DuPont. Like we mentioned in our post on the history of nylon, Carothers was pioneering new synthetics for DuPont too. He was working in the 1930s, and he and his team, would eventually invent Nylon. But Nylon doesn’t expand on its own and is not stretchy. So on another lab, lead by Joseph Shivers, invented Spandex. It was and is one of the stretchiest materials on the planet. Adding it to Nylon was revolutionary. It was an instant success.
The best part was, unlike nylon, it took off right away. DuPont had to evangelise Nylon somewhat, and people didn’t really know what to make of it. They held tours around the United States showing off the products that you might make from Nylon. But Spandex was something very different. Its applications were much easier to imagine. The name even gives it away. The name is not a brand name, as many people assume. It is a clever word play and an acronym of the word “expands”. It was so fantastic that companies adopted it immediately. In fact, designers starting making clothing with it almost right away. It was the very next year that saw the first pair of spandex leggings.
The 1960s And The Rise Of Leggings
The first major period of popularity for leggings was in the 1960s. Why did they take off so quickly though? We are going to attribute it was the new rebellious generation and the rise of denim. Why would this make leggings take off exactly? The late 1950s and 1960s were times of tumultuous change. One of the biggest leaps forward in fashion of all time occurred, the popularisation of denim jeans. We covered the history of denim too. Men started wearing jeans recreationally, and not just for work. With the immense popularity of casual jeans for men, there were soon jeans tailored for women. Especially as they can be flattering, and women wanted to show off their figure with them too. Pretty soon, the pleated skirts and sun dresses of the 50s made way for figure-hugging denim.
So how do leggings come into this? If it was denim’s figure enhancing qualities that women loved, what does it better than spandex? Spandex leggings are the next logical step. If you are a woman who wants that skin tight look jeans gives you, here you go. They do all the same stuff, but with some added benefits too. Leggings are much lighter weight than heavy denim. And they are much more elasticated. In fact, it was the invention of spandex that first added elasticity to jeans. Before then, the figure hugging part was a result of getting your jeans taken in. That meant jeans were more expensive too. And with the Sexual Revolution just around the corner, women were expressing themselves in ways they never did before. But what if you want the fit of leggings and the look of denim? We have something you might like. Jeggings.
What On Earth Are Jeggings?
Jeggings is a bit of a funny sounding word. It is a portmanteau of “jeans” and “leggings”, hence “jeggings”. The name may sound a bit jarring, but the garment itself is wonderful. They are the perfect way to bring the best of both of these garments together. As well as eliminate some of the problems of both. They are essentially leggings that have been coloured and dyed and patterned to look like denim. Sounds simple, but this is a really big deal, and can transform your wardrobe.
Often, a designer will go on to include elements that make jeggings almost indistinguishable to real denim jeans. They will add faux pockets with stitching. They will add an extra thick seam like denim would really have. And they may even add copper or nickel studs. Sometimes, they even have real pockets, rather than faux ones. Usually, these are the back ones. And they don’t just have the stitching but the whole compartment. Jeggings are a close imitation of jeans, meant to look exactly like their classic counterpart. But why would you want a close replica rather than the real thing? Well, there are a number of advantages to jeggings over jeans.
Why Wear Jeggings Instead Of Traditional Jeans?
Jeggings are much lighter weight than denim. For the same garment, you are getting something that is remarkably less heavy. This means your legs are less stifled and you don’t feel like you are wearing something overbearing. This is superb for the summer, as wearing jeans on hot or humid days is torture. But leggings are a superb choice for the heat. They are made of much more advanced materials than anything you will find in jeans.
The other reason you might wear jeggings is that they are flattering. The skin tight fit of jeans has improved a lot since the Lycra that made leggings possible. This material was also adopted by jeans manufacturers. But the thick cotton-based fabric denim is still mostly natural fibres. It stretches enough to fit snug. But not enough to move like a second skin. Jeggings have exactly those advantages. They are basically yoga pants, the controversial trend that brought us maximum comfort, but sacrificed coverage. The difference is, jean leggings are yoga pants disguised perfectly as a pair of tradition denim trousers. All the appearance of our favourite blue trousers, and all the flexibility and comfort of a space-age garment like leggings.
Let’s Circle Back, What About Capri Leggings?
We mentioned that the 1960s brought us leggings. And we mentioned that it was a natural progression from jeans for women. But what we didn’t mention is that the jean leggings didn’t come along till much later. At first, the trend was all about capri leggings. What are capri leggings exactly? Simply, they are three-quarter length leggings, or cut-off leggings. They fit just like we have described, but they end around the mid calf. These became popular for a number of reasons.
Capri leggings are great for summer and for feeling free in your clothes. The 60s were filled with freedom and easy going attitudes. Flower Power and the Summer of Love were taking the Western World by storm. Wearing things that were more freeing was commonplace. Many young people that went as far as to be called Hippies would wear very little at all. But a nice go-between was the capri. It is a superb way to add something casual and less formal to your outfit. And it is perfect to free yourself from the formality of suits and dresses that still dominated the 1960s.
Leather Leggings, The Most Stylish Garment Right Now?
Leather leggings is another variation on this design that has taken the fashion world by storm. And is there any wonder? There are striking, stylish, sexy, and bold. Look at the picture above and you will see what we mean. Leather has always had a sexy edge to it. It is the material of choice for so many tall and sexy boots, for jackets, and for skirts. Not to mention for bedroom attire of all description. We love the look of leather, as do millions of others. So we are glad to see that it can make it into a few items of leg wear. Leather leggings are some of the best items of leg wear suitable for getting this look too. It is simply a very easy thing to make pants that fit closely and stretch that look like leather. A lot easier than other materials, at least.
Leather leggings are also pretty versatile. Full blown leather pants are really very difficult to pull off. They are thick and have that distinctive snap that makes walking very loud and a real pain. And if you haven’t guessed it already, they are astoundingly hot. No, we don’t mean hot as in sexy, although you might find them pretty sexy too. We mean leather heats up and gets incredibly stifling. But with these Lycra based products, leather leggings don’t have to be anything like that. They are breathable, stretchy, easy to move in, quiet, understanding, and just gorgeous. So yes, they might just be the most stylish garment in the world right now.
I Don’t Want To Use Animal Products, Can I Get Faux Leather Leggings?
Yes, of course! It is not only possible, but it is likely the type you will usually encounter. We should clarify, when we say leather, we almost certainly mean faux leather leggings. It is really difficult to get authentic leather to behave like a pair of leggings. And you cannot mix leather and Lycra to make a product. That’s because tanned hide does not come in the form of a yarn. This makes blending the two nearly impossible. So almost every item you see in this category will be a faux leather leggings design.
There is perhaps with one exception to this that we can think of. You can get designs that have stitched on panels in areas that do not stretch. Something like the cuffs, or a stripe of material around the knee area. Patches and added accessory material is becoming really popular right now. And things like leather and rivets may be used as embellishment. But don’t worry. If that is the case, we will always state on the product page if it uses real animal products.
Are There Any Leggings That Look Like Pants?
If you have such flawless comfort and fit, surely this can be added to a traditional pair of pants, correct? Indeed, it is correct, and these items are available. This is something so many women have been asking for, for years. Many designers know that women don’t want to ruin their figures with lots of stuff in their pockets. So of course they carry a bag instead. So many designers have responded by designing women’s pants that don’t even have pockets to begin with. It only makes sense to maximise this effect. Leggings instead of pants improve that svelte look by going all the way with the figure-hugging effect.
Naturally, this means that women have being deciding between two different styles. Either the casual look of leggings and yoga pants or more office-appropriate attire like regular pants. Well, nowadays that is a thing of the past. Many designers are creating leggings that are simply indistinguishable from regular smart trousers. Take a look at the item above. This is an absolutely great example of the kind of item we mean, designed by Oroblu.
What About Sports Leggings?
Sports leggings are some of the most obvious and the most popular types of leggings around. It goes without saying, leggings are absolutely amazing for the gym. The tight fit of these designs mean it is amazing at moving easily. This is the very first concern for gym garments. Your leggings should be able to act like a second skin. And very few elements of your gym gear can do that. Tiny shorts are also a good way to do this, as there is little covering your skin. But shorts are also revealing, so for those who feel a little self conscious, there are sports leggings. There are a few brands that are associated with this. But it is most often a thing designers do as an extra to their main collections. Click on the image above to see the Goldbergh Jordyn Sports Leggings, one of the best examples.
How To Wash Leggings
Not very much really. Washing and maintaining a pair of leggings is among the most straightforward tasks for taking care of your clothes. These are some of the easiest types of leg wear in the world to keep clean. Here are a few steps you should follow to do this, and it is very straight forward. Turn your leggings inside out before putting them in your washing machine. Make sure to pack them in a wash bag if you have one. Wash on a gentle cycle, the lowest you can go and still get them clean. Then finally, lay them out flat or on a hanger to air dry. Some sports leggings can be dried in a dryer. But given that they are made with synthetic fabrics anyway, they will dry quickly anyway.
What Are Some Pros To Wearing These Amazing Garments?
So what are the actually benefits of these garments? We have gone over what types of leggings there are. And we have taken a look at what each type does best. But what about generally and all around? Here are some great things about leggings generally speaking. There are some fantastic benefits to wearing leggings and here are a few of them.
1) The Closest And Comfiest Fit
As we have mentioned before, leggings are all about fit, ease, comfort, and style. The fit is probably the thing people want the most. These gorgeous garments cannot be beaten when it comes to giving you a comfy fit. It is obvious, is it not? They are skin tight. You cannot get a closer fit than this. Now you may say that loose fit items are often more comfy, but that isn’t always true. Sometimes loose items can float about and you can feel like you are being drowned in fabric. It is especially true outside or in windy conditions. Leggings are snug and fit more securely. This is great if you want to be as comfy as possible. But only when they are made of space age and breathable materials. This brings us onto our next point.
2) Modern Materials
Leggings are also popular because of their modern design features. They don’t just stick Lycra or elastane into a pair and let them stretch any which way these days. Instead, leggings have very specific stretch zones that lift and push and pull your figure. Some designs simply have more elastane around the thighs and bum so they fit more liberally in these areas. Others have less elastane in certain spots. That way they are a squeeze to get into, plumping up the surrounding area and moving it into place.
3) Simplicity And Practicality
And the other major upside of leggings is really simple. They are a lot more practical and easy. Simply pull them on and you are ready to go. No fidgety zips, button up fronts, or pocket bulges. Just the stretchy and flattering and comfy fabric, making you look stylish and chic and sexy. They have just a few simple aspects that tick every box. That means that this product can stay simple and easy, and still be very useful. They are one of the simplest garments on the planet, and one of the most powerful.
4) They Can Be Very Affordable… Kind Of
One of the very best parts about leggings is their price. They are some of the most affordable items of leg wear in the world. Kind of. Yes, their price tag is initially quite high, but they make up for it in the long term. Leggings are really long lasting, and completely outpace tights in the same job. They may run you 10x the price of a pair of tights initially. But with even the best hosiery, you will find only a limited number of wear. Leggings, however, last and last and keep on going. Especially if you take care of them. Which leads us to our next point.
5) They Are Easy To Wash And Maintain
Following on from our point about longevity, leggings are pretty straightforward to maintain. You can easily where a pair for years and years. Especially if you wash them on a low heat and you are careful to air dry them. At least if they are faux leather leggings, or something similar. They need to be dried by hanging them up if that is the case. But all other types that don’t imitate leather are much easier to wash. Look, these amazing garments are even easy peasy to maintain too.
Are There Any Downsides To Wearing Them?
Sure, there are always some drawbacks to any material, garment, or type of leg wear. Fortunately, there are not too many downsides to wearing leggings. And we aren’t just saying that because we are fans. The best part about leggings is that they solve so many issues like comfort and fit. They may be the easiest garment in the world to wear, and one of the most enjoyable. But there are a few downsides.
1) They Don’t Have Pockets
We mentioned this before as a positive point. And it most certainly can be a good thing, especially for fit and figure enhancement. But the practical downside must be mentioned before you invest in any for yourself. Having no pockets is perhaps a less egregious fate for women’s clothing, as it is already a common thing. Women are used to not having pockets on a good number of their pants. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t a bit of a pain. And at least with most types of trousers, you can find a version with a pocket or two. With leggings, it is quite rare indeed. Some do have a pocket on the bum, however. Rear pocket leggings are not too uncommon and jeggings often have them. So it is not impossible to find leggings with pockets exactly.
2) They Are A Little Revealing
The skin tight aspect is a big plus, most of the time. They will give you the most revealing look possible, without actually removing any fabric, of course. But sometimes that isn’t appropriate or what you might want. If you go for a pair of pant-like leggings for work, for example. If they are not as thick as you expected, then you might be in hot water. Or if you want something casual, you might find that they are a little see-through if the material is lightweight. That depends on the brand and a good designer should never make that mistake. Or you might just feel that they are a little to skin tight for what you are used to. And we all know taking that bold step can be tough. But once you do, you will have some of the best leg wear you’ve ever worn.
3) They Can Be A Little Expensive… Kind Of
Leggings are often a bit more expensive to get into than tights. But the plus side of that is that there is a very good reason. You don’t kneed the skirt or dress to go with them. Leggings are expensive, but they replace tights, skirts and pants all at once. Like many things that replace a lot of others, they can start a little pricier. A smartphone is more expensive than a phone, laptop, and camera, but it gives you all of those in one. If you invest in just a few pairs of leggings, it saves you having to buy a dozen other items. Nevertheless, they can be harder to get into at first. But we recommend you invest in a couple now and you will have a significantly more versatile wardrobe.
What Designers Or Brands Make Great Leggings?
There are a few great leggings designers we can recommend to you. There is probably a leggings design that has come from each and every designer out there over time. But a few names do it really well. We have made a shortlist for you to find a brand or two that you absolutely love. If we were to pick the top leggings brands, and we were limited to just three, we would recommend these. Oroblu, Wolford, and Commando.
1) Oroblu
Oroblu have some amazing stealth leggings, the ones we told you about that look like regular pants. This is what they specialise in and design almost exclusively, at least when it comes to leggings. Oroblu is an Italian company and have always made amazing hosiery, mostly tights and hold ups. But those trouser-like leggings are becoming a huge part of what they do. Being an Italian fashion house, they care about quality and style. It is no stereotype to say that Italian design houses are some of the most aesthetically orientated in the world. We even used some of their work for the images on this post. So if you want stylish beyond belief in your leggings, go for Oroblu.
2) Wolford
Wolford is even more synonymous with quality. Whilst many Italian fashion houses go for style and fashion, Austrian designers like Wolford go for the perennial. They want simple, minimalist designs, ones that can be worn today, tomorrow, or any day you like. Timeless designs will always have their place, by definition, and Wolford make some of the best of them. As for their leggings collection, you can likely already imagine them. Mostly black and other dark and timeless colours. Simple and without ornamentation. And made better than any garment you have ever worn in its class. This is Wolford, through and through. This goes for their tights, their bodies, their lingerie, and indeed their leggings. Find Wolford leggings here for that high quality Germanic manufacturing and unbeatable quality.
3) Commando
Commando make the best leggings in the world, hands down. Certainly the best that we have ever seen or tried. That is pretty much all that they do now. Commando is a brand that has dabbled in tights and some other leg wear. But they have always returned to the thing they are most fantastically talented at making. The Commando leggings are simply stunning. They are usually of the shinier variety, with heaps of lustre and a gorgeous finish. Some of their newest items are really very shiny leggings. The black shiny leggings like just like crude oil. And the silver shiny leggings look like metal or chrome. They are so lustrous that it often looks like wet paint on your skin. We absolutely adore this look. It is among the most eye-popping type of leggings you can possibly buy, and nothing turns heads faster.
Our Final Thoughts
This is a pretty glowing review that we have given the humble garments that are leggings. But we stand by it. We think they are maybe the best thing in the leg wear world. Or at least, the very best things that aren’t tights. And for some women, they easily surpass tights. Leggings are just one of the best items of clothing, full stop. So let’s review the reasons why. You can wear leggings and look like you are wearing jeans. You can wear leggings and look like you are ready for a business meeting. They can be worn to the gym. You can choose them for dinner dates. And you can do all of this with a product that has everything we want in a single garment. They are relatively affordable, easy to maintain, and as comfy as a second skin.
Leggings should be at the top of every woman’s list of favourite garments. There are always going to be some women that don’t want to wear a certain type of product. Not every woman wears jeans. Not everyone wants to wear shorts. But leggings are so darn varied, that we genuinely think every woman can find something she can love. With these fantastic pieces of apparel, the sky is the limit. So, if you want to find a gorgeous pair of leggings for yourself, then look no further. Visit our fantastic leggings section and find something to suit your style and something you will love.
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