Gatta Debuts At UK Tights
Gatta has arrived with UK Tights over the past couple of weeks and people have been going crazy for it. Gatta is one of the most well known brands of hosiery in Europe. They are among the most famous and well loved in the world, in fact. But among the European old guard of leg wear designers, they are particularly well known. But why exactly? What has made them one of the most respected and beloved names in hosiery? Let’s have a quick look at their amazing range and what they do well.
Gatta Make Amazingly Good Tights
The quality of Gatta is stellar. There really is no other way of putting it. And we don’t just mean amazingly high quality for their price point either. They are that too. You wouldn’t guess that they were so reasonably priced if you were to try them without seeing the price tag. But we mean great quality in absolute terms. They are astonishingly good, even if they were a fair bit more expensive. The quality comes partly from their new manufacturing facility. They have one of the newest and most modern plants in the world for hosiery, and it really shows. They make things quickly and relatively inexpensively. And yet the precision of modern machinery means it isn’t rushed or made poorly. This is what gives them the ability to make something amazing and high quality for less.
Their Range Is Enormous
We really haven’t seen a range as big as Gatta’s. We love the sheer size of their collection. The amount of choice you are presented with is staggering. We have always talked about how choice is the central driving force of UK Tights. So when we saw the Gatta range, we immediately knew they were the brand for us. How big is it exactly? It must have been in the dozens for their children’s range alone. The total size of Gatta’s offering is in the hundreds. And there is something even more impressive than this. They have also been able to maintain the quality we mentioned above across a line up this big. It really is amazing.
Gatta Is Made In Poland
We think that, of all the things about Gatta that we love, being made in Poland is a big deal. Why exactly? Well, many European designers seem to come from Italy and from France. Germany also has a great heritage of manufacturing textiles. But Gatta is from Eastern Europe, and they are newcomers to the leg wear game. Their isn’t the same pedigree in Eastern Europe as there is in some Western nations. Or at least, there isn’t the perception of a good pedigree.
But textile manufacturers from Eastern Europe are every bit as wonderful and high quality as the ones from the West. Gatta is finally changing this perception. They are some of the most expertly made tights, and are putting Poland on the hosiery map. We commend Gatta for single-handedly making their nation a hub for apparel and leg wear. It gives you an idea of just how great their tights are.
Get Your Own Gatta Now
We can’t show you the Gatta range in its entirety, as we only have a select number on our site. But our offering is only a small part of their total catalogue. It will start growing though, and we already have items in bound from the new season. So check out the Gatta range now, and fine something amazing that you’ll love.
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