5 Things You Need To Know About Bras But Are Too Afraid To Ask
Shopping for clothes should be a fun experience, and we all love finding something new and gorgeous to wear. But we all get that fatigue at the end of a long shopping trip. Often, it takes some of the fun out of it. Another thing that robs us of the great part about shopping and the joy that goes with it is when something is just too technical, and you don’t know where to begin. This is often the case with bras, one of the most technical garments you can wear.
We find many women asking us what they should be wearing day to day and what they should look for in a bra. Many women are unsure of a good fit and how a great fitting bra should feel when it is on. So here are few things to look for in a bra and what some of the confusing terminologies might mean.
What Exactly Are Moulded Bras?
Moulded bras are a type of bra that has a unique shaped cup. If you have a bra that keeps a curved shape when you set it down and springs back to life, this is a moulded cup. Moulded is an odd term as it sometimes is confused with an underwired bra as these are also rigid. This is not the case, though, as an underwired bra is something different entirely, so let’s take a look now at that very term and see what that one means too.

What Do Underwired Bras Do For Me?
The wire under the cup forms a crescent moon shape. Some are confused by the name wire, as it simply feels rigid. But a narrow metal wire forms that rigidity under the fabric. It is used to provide fit and support as it fits snug under your bust and does not move, and adds a little lift to make your figure more shapely. It is often, but not always, used with moulded cups.
How Exactly Are Cup Sized Calculated?
This is one of the least known things about bras and how they are supposed to fit. Cup sizes were first formalised in the 1930s, and they were one of the least celebrated time-saving innovations in clothing. Before this, women would have to go to a tailor, get something custom-made, or even sew them themselves. Now, it is all standardised, and thank goodness, as finding a cup that fits properly is difficult enough. But how precisely does one size a cup so that you know what kind of fit it will give a wearer?
Cups are measured by the difference between the circumference around the bra the bust and the circumference over the widest part of the cup. That means, if you put a tape measure just under your bust and then position it over the widest part of the bra, the difference between the two gives you a number. Each of these numbers translates to certain cup sizes, and with every few inches, you go up another size. This is not so important to know today, as you never shop around using these measurements, but if you are getting measured by someone professionally, they always should take these two numbers to get the best size.
Will Half Cup Bras Give Me Enough Support?
Yes, they can offer you a perfectly reasonable amount of support up to a specific cup size. This will vary from person to person and design to design. You should check the straps. Ensure that it is a touch wider and thicker than your average half cup bra strap. Half cups are sexy and more revealing than your average bra. The designers know you want these gorgeous bras, so they often design their bras to have a little extra support in them too. Only once you get to a cup size of D cup or E cup should you perhaps reconsider.

Do More Expensive Bras Have Better Fit Than Affordable Bras?
Yes, for the most part. Generally speaking, more expensive items do offer better fit and support. This is almost entirely down to them being a technical product. This means there is more research that goes into making them support your bust better. They use slower production for a better finish and quality control, use better quality materials, and often fit their bras with wider straps and cushioning that affordable bras do not use to save material costs. All these small elements can add up to a big difference. That is not to say that more affordable bras are no good. We have plenty of great items that cost less than you might think. But that is all about the brand making them as reasonably priced as possible. Broadly, if you want a little better fit and torn between two brands or designs, go for the more expensive one.